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Our Board of Directors


Stephanie Le Grange

Board President

Stephanie Le Grange moved from South Africa in 2005, graduating from Fairview High School in 2010. She received a Bachelors Degree in Environmental Science from Edinboro University. She works as an international logistics specialist at Logistics Plus inc while attending Data Science Graduate Program at Mercyhurst University. She has also been apart of the Blended Spirits Ranch family since 2010.


Frank Supinski, CMS

Vice President

Frank first Enlisted in United States Marine Corps 1976, Served active duty until 1980. Enlisted in United States Army Reserves 1981 served in Buffalo, NY and in 1985 transferred to Special Forces in Youngstown OH. Attended Special Forces Qualification Course at Ft Bragg, NC 1986 and initially was trained as a Special Force Engineer and also as a Special Forces Medical NCO.
In 2009 through 2010 Frank was deployed in Iraq with Joint Special Operations Command in support of the Global War On Terrorism.


Paul Flynn

Board Member

Paul grew up on a dairy farm in Edinboro and got his engineering degrees for Case Western Reserve University. He worked at GE in Erie for nearly 40 years in a variety of technical positions. He started riding horses at an early age and continued sporadically through adulthood. He and his wife Peggy restarted in earnest in their 50’s and now own a small farm in Elk Creek Township with two horses, Babe a Halfling and Katie a Quarter Horse. Paul has a technical consulting business and does groundwork horse training. He has been involved with BSR for several years and helped build the new arena barn. He joined the board in 2020.

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